China Carbon Forum’s Vision
Greater trust and more effective cooperation among China’s stakeholders to achieve a low carbon and climate resilient society.
China Carbon Forum’s Mission
To provide an independent and neutral platform of services to foster relationships, build understanding, and share information among China’s stakeholders involved in climate change action including local and international organisations, government, industry, academics, consultants, policymakers and others.
To accomplish its vision and mission China Carbon Forum engages in the following activities:
Events: Using CCF’s neutral discussion platform, CCF implements high-level events on climate change topics important to China and the world. The events are delivered under non- attribution reporting rules to allow speakers to freely exchange ideas and information. The format of the events varies. The events also provide opportunity to build meaningful network links to enhance cooperation. VALUE PROPOSITION: Networking and information sharing.
Research: Undertake specific survey and other research by tapping CCF’s professional network to aggregate opinions. Reporting and analysis shared with Chinese government and other stakeholders.
VALUE PROPOSITION: Knowledge production.
Workshops and Training: Use experts and local organisations to prepare and convene focused training and up-skilling workshops at central, municipal and provincial levels. VALUE PROPOSITION: Skill building.