This event was part of the series held by the Low Carbon Leadership Network, jointly organized by China Carbon Forum and GIZ. The event discussed a wide range of important issues currently facing China in managing climate change. It focused on the role of local governments and identified some key areas where the panelists thought that improvements could be made. Importantly the panel identified further bilateral collaboration as crucial to helping China meet these challenges successfully.
The event builds on a dialogue which was started in December 2013 when a high level delegation of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), led by Deputy Director General Sun Zhen, traveled to North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) for a series of meetings on the topic of Climate Governance and attended the NRW climate congress in Wuppertal. Since then the dialogue on the topic has continued with various stakeholders, including China’s National Center for Climate Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) and the Wuppertal Institute. For Record of Discussion and Executive Summary, download PDF: Local Climate Governance