28th March, 2011
Location: EU Delegation to China, Beijing
‘The New Demand-Side Management (DSM) Regulations’ event, jointly organized by China Carbon Forum in cooperation with the EU Delegation to China and the EU-China Trade Project, engaged key stakeholders in a discussion concerning the effects of the new Demand-Side Management (DSM) regulations, passed by the central Chinese government on January 1, 2011.
Several speakers shared their experiences and thoughts on the energy savings potential of the new DSM regulations, with the keynote speech, “Demand-Side Management: EU Policy Developments and Initiatives at the International Level,†delivered by Mrs. Paula Abreu Marques, Head of Unit for DG Energy at the European Commission.
Paula Abreu Marques, Head of Unit, DG Energy, EU Commission
Other featured speakers were:
- Mr. Dimitri de Boer, Vice Chairman, China Carbon Forum
- Mr. Philip Bartley, Team Leader, EU-China Trade Project (EUCTP)
- Dr. Zhou Fuqiu, NDRC Energy Research Institute Deputy Director, Energy Efficiency Center
- Mr. Kaare Sandholt, Partner at “EA Energy Analyses,†Former Director of System Operation at Elkraft System (the Transmission System Operator in Eastern Denmark)
- Mr. Chen Jianghua, State Grid Corporation of China Executive Director, State Grid National DSM Instruction Center
- Dr. Thibaud Voïta, China Program Officer, Institute for Industrial Productivity (Moderator)
- Mr. Xia Xin, NRDC Power Division, Economy Operations Bureau Deputy Director